各コースでの学び | Course-Learning


Based on thier interests, students were divided into several teams. The teams were: Animal Protection and Welfare, Science, Informational Mass Media, Politics / Administration, Sports, and Railway. These 6 teams were divided into 5 courses for training.



Animal Protection and Welfare / Science Team


言葉よりも行動を ~故郷である地球を救うためにビジネスを営む~

Take action rather than words -Running a business to save Mother Earth-

ゲスト:Patagonia 東京・ゲートシティー大崎ストアのスタッフの皆さん
Guest: Staff members @Patagonia, Tokyo Gate City Osaki Store


Learning starts



Students involved in Animal Protection and Welfare course, who were interested in the cull of abandoned pets, and those involved in Science course, who were interested in science and technology, gathered together to visit Patagonia, which mainly sells outdoor clothes.

The students entered Patagonia, wondering why they came to visit a store selling “clothes,” which seemed nothing to do with their themes of animal welfare and science.


Actions to save the earth




Patagonia staff explained to students that each product has “a story to save the planet”.

For example, to minimize the impact on the global environment, Patagonia’s products are made under certain protocols, such as "use durable materials," "should be repaired when broken,” and "use reusable materials."

The students learned that there is a practice of stripping feathers from living birds, which is considered to be a serious abuse of animals. This practice takes place in the field of making down jackets, because feathers can be restored and be available three or four times in their lifetime if the birds are kept alive during the removal of feathers. Patagonia only uses feathers that are collected in a way that do not include abuse of animals. In this way, students were taught the social issues behind various products and their countermeasures, and understood that their choice of purchase would help protect animals and the global environment.


What can we do?



Students watched a video filming a bird accidentally had eaten plastics thrown away in the sea and die. When a lot of plastic came out of the bird's body, students were overwhelmed by the image, but tried to face the reality. They learned that useful things made available with the power of science have adverse effects on the global environment and animals behind the scenes.

Patagonia staff taught them important things to save the planet. Firstly: to know what is behind our sight; secondly, to convey the facts to people as they are; and lastly, to think and act on solutions utilizing the knowledge of science and law. Students learned that it was more important to take actions rather than just saying words to protect the earth, which was the home for every humans, animals, plants, and any other organisms all over the world.


The message from guest



As environmental and social problems become more serious, it will be irreversible unless we take actions as soon as possible. Patagonia has taken various measures so far to change such a world.

We want YOU to act step by step, keeping in mind the various knowledge you’ve learned in this program. And let’s do it together, so that when you grow up, the world would be a better place!



Informational Mass Media Team


まずは相手に寄り添うことから ~社会の中でのメディアの役割~

Everything starts with listening    -The role of media in the society-

Guest: Video director of a media company


Learning starts




There were a lot of “media” around students, such as the internet and SNS, the social network services. Students were using these media on a daily basis, getting information, and enjoying the contents or conversations online.

"Media is fun! Doing funny things to attract people’s attention can make us popular… But how does media work? What are people working in media field thinking?? "

Started with such questions, students involved in Informational Media course visited the video director. They had the chance to see the actual media company and learned what was important in working in the field of media.


Try interviewing!




In order to learn about the media, the director had given students an assignment in advance. The task was “filming an interview,” and the topic was "asking questions to familiar people that you seemed to know but did not actually know." This assignment gave out a hint to think about the role of the media in uncovering facts that no one knew.

Students recorded a 15-minute video with the questions they came up with. “What do you think about having the right to vote from the age of 18?” “Why did the teacher become a teacher?” Sometimes, the answer was what they had never expected, but students deepened the interview by asking related/new questions.

The video they have filmed in their hands, students arrived at Tokyo. The director checked the interview video and commented on it; for example, “It ’s good to ask this question,” or  “You are making a very comfortable atmosphere.” the director found out the ideas and efforts of the students.


What is the role of media?



“Communicating important facts that is new to everyone” was one of the most important works of the media. Each person had a different position and idea. The role of the media was to send out such a small voice to be heard in the world. 

In addition to just listening to what people wanted to talk about, the media could help them shape their thoughts. In order to bring out important facts that were deeply hidden under what was visible, not only compassion but also "Entangling" was important. By integrating the fact and the current situation in today’s world, the content would be better understood by everyone.


The message from guest



Please polish good traits you have. There are things that you can do, things no one but only YOU can do.

On the other hand, each person has good characteristics and they are all different. Finding you and your friends’ good points and making the best use of them is important in everyday life. Compassion is also necessary. These things can help you a lot in getting along with friends or parents.



Politics / Administration Team


社会を良くするのはだれか? 中学生だからこその可能性

Who makes the society better? Explore the possibilities JHS students have!

Guest: Civil servants in charge of cyber security policy


Learning starts




Students became interested in "politics and administration" and civil servants’ job as they watched TV news, the National Assembly, or read textbooks on politics.


The word “politics” and “administration” often appeared in the news, but what kind of jobs were there? What kind of people were working?”


Usually, TV or newspapers were main informational source for them to understand the world. Hoping to know more of the “real” world, students had the opportunity to speak with a civil servant who is in charge of cyber security policy.


What does civil servant do?






Students learned about the work of civil servants. A civil servant works NOT for oneself but for EVERYONE, and the guest shared with students what he values when working.

(1) Listen carefully to the others’ stories to learn their thoughts. Ask questions if you don't understand.

(2) Understand the person you are facing, and figure out what is in common with the person’s and your thoughts. Understand what your counterpart values.

(3) When creating something (such as policies or projects), make them as everyone can be convinced. In order to do so, keep questioning what is really important.

What students learned from the guest was actually very difficult to execute, but was possible to carry out even as a student. Those values were what everyone should respect as a human being.


Protecting the cyber ​​security




The job of the guest was to protect the safety of cyberspace, including the Internet and SNS. Some people abused cyberspace by attacking it and gaining information about users so that they could gain profits. The guest told the students he was working on a system to prevent it.

He also taught the tips of what junior high school students were able to do to protect the people around them from cybercrime. For example, by telling family members that they should not open a strange e-mail, the number of victims could be diminished.

In the talk, students learned that there were things "junior high school students" could do, that each person should think and act for the society’s good beyond their position, and that doing so should lead to a better society.


The message from guest




What you can do as a junior high school student is not limited to cybersecurity. There are many things that YOU can do for the people, the community, and the society around you.

The answer for social problems is not always one. It is natural that there are various opinions, and it is important to think on your own and convey your ideas in your own words.  “Listen and understand people” is also essential. You might think we are doing it almost everyday so that it’s natural and easy, but it is actually very difficult to do what seems to be natural to do.

However it is difficult, all junior high school students can do it! Everyone, not just civil servants, can act for EVERYONE. I believe this may lead to the better society. Find out what only YOU, junior high school students can do!



Sports Team



Habits of making effort and confidence gained when overcoming setback

Guest: Personal trainer Mr.Futami Masashi


Learning starts




Students who were enthusiastic about athletic clubs and sporting events were interested in training.

The students have encountered various difficulties so far. When it came to games, it became very hard to do what could be done in the practice ... However hard practices we did, we wouldn’t get the results we wanted ... “How can we overcome the difficulties?”

The students visited Mr. Futami, a personal trainer, to become tougher on both the body and mind.


Learn how to MOVE your body




Mr. Futami taught the students how to move safely and less injured and how to breathe with ease through actual training.

They learned that nasal breathing had the advantage of preventing dry mouth and protecting the body from bacteria. The students also experienced training to be aware of where and how to train the body.

Full-scale training was quite difficult for the students, but everyone moved vigorously.


Lessons learned by facing a setback




Mr. Futami told the story about why he had became a personal trainer.

He said, he had experienced setbacks many times, but by firmly facing those hardships and overcoming them, he was able to get a mental strength. Afterall, Mr. Futami made positive efforts and finally became a personal trainer, who was engaged in the “exercise” that he really likes.

In order for students to overcome the setbacks, it was important to “accept the present self and analyze it objectively, and make a list of what is necessary to achieve the goal.” The students enthusiastically took notes of Mr. Futami's words.


The message from guest




The figure of “what you want to become” is determined by the figure of “what you want to be.”

What I (Mr. Futami) want to be is "making decisions based not on profit but on whether doing the right thing as a human being" and "take an altruistic action, not a selfish one." In order to realize what I want to be, I try “not to compare with others” and “check if my behavior is not selfish.”

The “thinking” is the most important in trying to make it for yourself. Please think about what you want to be as a first step.



Transportation Team



Meet the railway history and learn the railway stories

The place to visit: THE RAILWAY MUSEUM



Learning starts




Students interested in railways were searching for their favorite railways in books and the Internet, but they felt the materials they could find were very limited.


Students shared each other's knowledge in advance and discussed what they were interested in and what they would like to investigate in the field training program. The topic that came up was the history of railways. Information on existing vehicles could be found in handy materials, but it was difficult to get enough information to dig deeply into the history of the railway.


So the students decided to visit the railway museum in Saitama Prefecture.


Becoming familiar with the history




The Railway Museum stores materials related to Japanese and world railways and conducts research on them.


In addition, it introduces the changes in the railway system as a part of an industrial history, focusing on actual exhibits such as vehicles, with the background of each era.


The vehicle station on the first floor displays 36 vehicles. How the vehicles activated at that time can be seen in videos and ICT. The students were able to learn the story of each vehicle and the dynamics and powers of them.


Diversity of perspectives 



The museum introduces railways from five different themes: "Vehicles," "Science,” "Work," "History" and "Future." Centered on hands-on exhibitions, a rich story of interaction between people and railways is provided from various perspectives.


In the “Science” exhibition, students learned the scientific principles hidden in the railways through an experimental exhibition. At the “Work” exhibition, the jobs of the people who support the railway is exhibited. At the “Future” exhibition, they became familiar with the possible future image of the railroad.


What students learned




Students visited the museum with an interest in the history of railways that could not be examined in Ishinomaki.

What they met there was a lively story of railways they had never known before, and a new perspective to see railways.


Their interest in railways has become deeper and richer. And they seemed to be satisfied and confident that they managed to go to the place they had never been before based on their interest.