For the Shining Future
石巻市立湊中学校 2019年度修学旅行 課題別研修
Ishinomaki Municipal Minato Junior High School Excursion Trip 2019 : Topic-Based Training
In May 2019, the third graders at Ishinomaki Municipal Minato Junior High School,
Miyagi Prefecture, went on a school trip to Tokyo.
Based on what students wanted to learn, they were divided into five courses and worked on Topic-Based Training programs.
企画の経緯 | Our Story
The school excursion is the culmination of career learning. It was planned with the hope that students would gain the power to realize their dreams and hopes.
各コースでの学び | Course-Learning
Based on thier interests, students were divided into six teams. The teams were: Animal Protection and Welfare, Science, Informational Mass Media, Politics / Administration, Sports, and Railway. These teams were divided into 5 courses for training.
企画の総括 | Our Conclusion
A school excursion to expand students' horizons from their interests and to learn new ways of thinking. There was a change in the way students thought about school life and the future when they returned to Ishinomaki.
取組みの工夫 | Our Approach
In order to maximize students' learning, we incorporated ideas from various perspectives as well as course learning. Among them, we will introduce “Ensuring the safety” and “Improving the net literacy”.